What is the EuroChoir?

Celebrate Europe through choral singing – EuroChoir is a unique choral event organised by the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat every year in a different country. Initiated by AGEC in 1982, EuroChoir offers the opportunity to young singers to get together for 8 days to rehearse a challenging program with two renowned conductors, improve their vocal skills and present the results of their work in public concerts. This special choir project aims to promote European choral music among young singers and to encourage cultural exchange within Europe.

Do you want to know more?

Keep an eye on the EuroChoir Facebook page for the latest news and please contact us for any general question or information!

EuroChoir editions:


2022: Switzerland (CH)

2021: Ljubljana, Slovenia (Sl)

2019: Vaison-la-Romaine (FR)

2018: Helsinki (FI) and Tallinn (EE)

2017: Utrecht (NL)

2016: San Vito al Tagliamento (IT)

2014: Saintes (FR)

2013: Pécs (HU)

2012: Lomnice nad Popelkou, North Bohemia (CZ)

2011: Arco Lago di Garda (IT)