Our Strategy
our values
We base our vision and mission on the following core values:
· Inclusivity
· Diversity
· Development
· Empowerment
· Sustainability
As a democratic organisation, we respect the values as described in the Convention of the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression 2009, as well as in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in the Five Music Rights formulated by the European/International Music Council.
The activities and the application to membership of the association are open to everyone, without any restriction based on political and religious opinion, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, cultural background or citizenship. Consequently, we have no links with ideological movements, religions or political parties.
our vision
our mission
Since 1955, our aims are to promote singing as an art form and as a tool to connect people of all ages, with a focus on children and young people, to foster cooperation and understanding between cultures, nations and individuals across social and political borders by promoting, supporting, developing and organising activities and events, and to represent the collective singing sector.
We develop the sector, together with our members, through our activities, by training and empowering singers of all ages, vocal leaders/conductors, educators/teachers, music creators/composers, students and managers, as well as organisations. We reach out to potential singers and audiences as well as those active in other arts activities and other sectors.
We contribute to raising awareness of the benefits of collective singing within and outside the sector.
our strategy
A Strategy for 2022 to 2030
In November 2020 our membership approved of the following main strategic objectives:
- Develop the network further with special attention to countries and regions which are not yet well connected, make it more sustainable and increase its visibility within and beyond the sector based on research and data-collection, enhance youth participation and inclusion, facilitate cooperation and partnerships between members of the network and beyond, and implement and promote measures that contribute to an increased environmental awareness among network members and at events.
- Support and promote performances of diverse genres and groups, the dissemination of repertoire across Europe, as well as diverse activities and events, and give tools to improve quality at all levels.
- Offer and support life-long capacity building and training and offer spaces and opportunities for learning directly from each other.
- Identify inspiring trends and promote innovation, encourage the exchange of examples of good practice across Europe.
- Raise Awareness of the benefits of collective singing for the physical and mental wellbeing of the individual and society.
- Reach Out to those not singing (yet), to new audiences, to other art forms and sectors as well as to policy makers and the media.
We connect to the international cultural field
Membership and participation in activities are also open to non-Europeans. We are also connected to the choral world outside Europe and to other music and culture organisations through our membership in the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM), the International and European Music Council (IMC/EMC), Musica International, the Choral Festival Network and Culture Action Europe.
our action plan
- Networking and cooperation building, regional development
- Setting up and participating in cooperation projects
- Promoting creation, collecting, and disseminating repertoire, good practices and inspiring examples, as well as the cooperation between amateurs and professionals
- Offering information and services about collective singing in Europe
- Disseminating guidelines and handbooks on topics relevant for the sector, such as environmental issues, new business models, inclusion
- Promoting the benefits of collective singing, based on research, and reaching out to non-singers
- Advocating for Amateur Music, Collective Singing and Singing in Music Education at the European Union and beyond
- Promoting and supporting inclusion of those in danger of exclusion in all communication and at activities of the association and its partners
We organise and promote activities and events for choirs, singers, vocal leaders/conductors, music creators/composers, educators/teachers, managers, and organisations
- Developed by the association
- Organised in partnership with members and other partners
- Other activities from the network for groups and choral professionals
Types of activities offered include
- Major and smaller choral festivals, with innovative elements and cross-sectorial cooperation
- International training activities for singers of all ages, vocal leaders/conductors, music creators/composers, educators/teachers, and managers
- Conferences about “hot topics” relevant to the sector of collective singing
- Activities promoting inclusion
Our strategic aims shall be reached through these activities, which will also be evaluated and developed in view of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially with a view to environmental sustainability and inclusion / accessibility.