The European Choral Association is a partner in the Training Leading Voices project, led by ZIMIHC. 

The project seeks to contribute to the professionalisation of vocal and choral leaders in Europe and the internationalisation of their careers through events in France, Italy, Slovenia and the Netherlands, centring on “Leading Voices“, a new major European event for vocal and choral leaders which took place in Utrecht in July 2022.

The Training Leading Voices project also seeks to inspire organisations in the process of, or contemplating, organising their own events for vocal and choral leaders. 

Learn more about the project

READ HERE the official Press Release

Events in France, Italy, Slovenia and the Netherlands will welcome vocal and choral leaders of diverse levels of experience and fields of practice as participants, including:

  • students (studying school music, church music or choral conducting)
  • educators dealing with singing in schools or music schools
  • freelancers who lead choirs and vocal groups of all kinds of styles
  • employed vocal and choral leaders
  • those who learned another profession and lead choirs in their free time, conducting amateur singers or professional singers, coming from up to 40 different countries.

The project consists of a series of training events with an international dimension: 

  • conductors’ competitions
  • study tours allowing vocal and choral leaders to watch their peers at work
  • conferences and training programmes with practical workshops
  • laboratories to test innovative approaches
  • concerts and performances of exemplary groups of a high artistic standard or demonstrating specific methods and approaches. 

Some grants will also be made available for the internationalisation of other conductors’ events.

Bursaries for events for choral/vocal leaders and conductors

 As part of the Training Leading Voices project, the European Choral Association is delighted to be able to offer bursaries of up to 2000€ to choral & conductors’ associations looking to increase the international audience of their events. 

The bursaries are available for events for vocal and choral leaders/conductors and are intended to cover costs that allow the organisers to enhance the international element of their event. Online, physical and hybrid events are all eligible.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2021.

Please Click Here to Go to the Application Form

All organisations holding relevant events are welcome to apply. It is not a requirement to be a member of the European Choral Association.

To be eligible, events should take place before the end of 2022. Eligible events should be for choral or vocal leaders/conductors and would include, for example, congresses, conferences or symposia. Events may be online, physical or hybrid.

Events should take place in Europe (or if they are online, the organisation running the event should be located in Europe). Organisations based in European countries beyond the European Union are eligible to apply.

A maximum of 2000€ is available per event.

Eligible costs include:

  • Fees for international speakers/lecturers
  • Travel expenses, accommodation expenses (if the application is for a physical/hybrid event)
  • Renting technical equipment for translations
  • Fees for technicians
  • Fees for translators

If you have any questions, please contact Sophie Dowden at

Good luck with your application!




Activities planned

Project activities took place at the following events:

The partners
Co-ordinated by ZIMIHC, the project partners are: