IGNiting an Inclusive and sustainable future for collective singing Throughout Europe

IGNITE is a project of the European Choral Association, dealing with collective singing at the heart of the revitalisation of post-pandemic
Europe, due to its effects on the health and wellbeing of the individual and society. It will benefit more than 100 organisations and thousands of individuals in most countries of the European Union, other Creative Europe programme countries and beyond.
From December 2021 until November 2024, IGNITE shall contribute to the European Green Deal, increase diversity, inclusion and equity in the sector, strengthen the network, increase its representativeness, empower and train people in the sector, increasing their capacity to become resilient and sustainable, be active internationally, cooperate at a European level, and make use of modern technology.
Through the project, we will be able to:
– offer Membership Weekends (project milestones) and online gatherings;
– enhance youth participation and peer-to-peer exchange;
– grow the network with a regional strategy;
– hold physical and online training on environmental issues, inclusion, gender equality, fair remuneration and digital tools; Sing Me In project.
– disseminate guidelines and handbooks on these topics;
– offer grants for the internationalisation & inclusivity of events;
– collect and disseminate data on collective singing in Europe;
– build on the #BenefitsOfSinging awareness campaign from 2021 and curate a research database on collective singing;
– advocate for music, singing in music education, amateur arts and other topics together with other European and international networks;
– raise awareness for the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
– develop a strategy for the years 2025 – 2030.