Europa Cantat Junior 2023 goes to..

Europa Cantat Junior 2023 goes to..

Ghent, Belgium Early July 2023, the streets of Ghent will be filled with music and joy, being the home of the EUROPA CANTAT Junior Festival 2023. The festival will be in the very good hands of the local organizer Koor&Stem vzw, the choral organization in Flanders,...
A change in the Executive Board

A change in the Executive Board

Mihela Jagodic asked the Board of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat to resign from her work as 1st Vice-President and thus as member of the Executive Board. It was not an easy decision for her, but a necessary one due to her need to focus on the...
ECA-EC Membership Weekend 2020

ECA-EC Membership Weekend 2020

20-22 November 2020 Mark these days in the calendar, because the choral lovers meet in Galway, Ireland next year. Interesting topics for the Membership Day, brainstorming groups, workshops, the General Assembly and concerts, all prepared for our members to enjoy.   In...